Back in 2015, Mike Tweddle brought his first feature film Damaged Goods to Keswick Film Club.
Made on a tiny budget, it impressed us with its narrative and style. That was enough for us to jump at the chance to show Mike's second feature at this year's KFF.
Filmed over 2 weeks in a single location, Sparrowhawk is a tense interrogation thriller, with a new plot twist as each of the seven characters are introduced.
For such a small budget, the cinematography is wonderful. It’s sharp, it’s dark and sets the tone just right. It’s what you’re after with an independent thriller.
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KFC is friends with Caldbeck Area Film Society and Brampton Film Club and members share benefits across all organisations
Keswick Film Club won the Best New Film Society at the British Federation Of Film Societies awards in 2000.
Since then, the club has won Film Society Of The Year and awards for Best Programme four times and Best Website twice.
We have also received numerous Distinctions and Commendations in categories including marketing, programming and website.
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