Keswick Film Festival


Director: Miranda July Country: USA
Cert: TBC Year: 2020 Length: 104 mins
Autumn 2020


  • More details on this film at the Internet Movie Database

A winter warmer for you here - "American artist Miranda July makes brazenly wayward comedies. Her latest is about the Dynes, three furtive, off-the-grid Californian schemers who, on a whim, welcome a bubbly Latina, Melanie, into their fold. Melanie's always wanted to be part of an Ocean's Eleven-style heist; she doesn't realise the Dynes are ideologically committed to small-time crookery and that they despise the extravagantly wealthy, whom they label Kajillionaires ... You can't put a price on a movie as sweet as this one" – Charlotte O'Sullivan Evening Standard.

In an interview with Miranda July, the interviewer commented that the Dynes weren't so much Oceans Eleven as Oceans One; she replied "Oceans 0.5 I think!" They are beautifully small scale scammers...
"The final third of the film is something of a marvel. One might reasonably worry about casting a person of colour as, yet again, the emotionally open free spirit who loosens the uptight white characters' bounds. But, profiting from improvisation with a clever cast, July delivers closing scenes that flesh out the two younger women while embracing wider sadness about the human condition. It's easy to make allowances when the film is otherwise so true to itself and its characters.
July has made her best feature. Four fine actors (how nice to see Winger back, even if she is scarcely recognisable) make the most of tricky, slippery material. On out-there triumph" – Donald Clarke, Irish Times.



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